Drug Index


Mechanism :

Trace element

Indication :

  • Trace element added to parenteral nutrition (PN) to prevent manganese deficiency; orally as a dietary supplement

Contraindications :

Due to its highly acidic pH (pH 2.0), direct IV or IM injection is contraindicated; may result in severe tissue damage.

Dosing :

Parenteral nutrition, maintenance requirement: IV: 2 to 10 mcg/kg/day.
Note: Use caution in premature neonates; manganese chloride solution for injection contains aluminium.

Adverse Effect :

Use with caution in biliary tract or hepatic impairment.

Interaction :

No known interactions.

Hepatic Dose :

Liver and/or biliary tract dysfunction may require omission or reduction of manganese doses
because manganese is primarily eliminated in the bile.
11/12/2024 10:03:16 Manganese
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