Drug Index


Mechanism :

The exact mechanism of action is unclear. It is bacteriostatic against gram negative and positive organisms. It appears to interfere with bacterial folic acid synthesis. 

Indication :

  • Burn treatment

Contraindications :

• Hypersensitivity to any of the components

• Use cautiously in patients with sulfonamide allergy

• Use cautiously in patients with G6PD deficiency

• Prolonged use may cause fungal/bacterial superinfections

• Use cautiously in patients with respiratory insufficiency

• Avoid use in women of childbearing age and in pregnancy unless burned area is more than 20% BSA or if benefits outweigh the risks

Dosing :

<2 years: Limited data regarding safety and efficacy.
>2 years: To be applied to clean debrided area once daily or once 12 hourly at 1/16 inch thickness; Burned areas should be covered with cream at all times-apply PRN.
Topical Solution:
Grafted area to be covered with one layer of gauze.
Apply/wrap a wet 8-ply burn dressing with the solution until leakage observed.
Keep gauze dressing wet by irrigating with a syringe or injecting the solution into irrigation tubing every 4 hourly or PRN.
Wound dressing may be left undisturbed for up to 5 days.

Adverse Effect :

Application site local reactions, swelling, pain, excoriations, hypersensitivity, blisters, diarrhea, burning sensation, bone marrow suppression, porphyria, eosinophilia, hemolytic anemia, hyperventilation, systemic acidosis, allergic reactions, anemia 

Interaction :

• Allogenic cultured keratinocytes and fibroblasts

• dichlorphenamide

Lactation :

Limited data available regarding drug excretion in breast milk.

Hepatic Dose :

Hepatic dose adjustment has not been defined.

Pregnanacy :

Pregnancy Category C.

11/26/2024 16:54:45 Mafenide
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