Drug Index


Mechanism :

Levodropropizine is a peripherally acting agent inhibiting the afferent pathways that mediate the generation of the cough reflex. Compared with the racemic drug, levodropropizine maintains the antitussive activity but considerably lower central nervous system depressant actions. Levodropropizine is activated in the bronchopulmonary system as the inhibitor of bronchospasm induced by histamine, serotonin and bradiquinina.

Indication :

  • Cough suppression

Contraindications :

Hypersensitivity to drug/class/component.

Dosing :

>2 years-12 years:
1 mg/kg PO thrice daily.
>12 years:
60 mg PO thrice daily. The duration should not exceed more than seven days.

Adverse Effect :

Nausea, vomiting, heartburn, diarrhea, fatigue, weakness, drowsiness, dizziness, headache and palpitations.

Interaction :

Alcohol, Sedatives, Hypnotics and Sedating Anti-Histamine Drugs: Levodropropizine may interact with alcohol, sedatives, hypnotics and sedating anti-histamine drugs.

Hepatic Dose :

Contraindicated in severe hepatic disease.
11/14/2024 19:17:55 Levodropropizine
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