Drug Index


Mechanism :

Gallamine is a competitive neuromuscular blocking agent. It acts by combining with the cholinergic receptor sites in muscle and competitively blocking the transmitter action of acetylcholine. Gallamine has a parasympatholytic effect on the cardiac vagus nerve which causes tachycardia and occasionally hypertension.

Indication :

  • Provides more complete muscular relaxation when used in general anesthesia

Contraindications :

Contraindicated in respiratory depression or deficiency, severe renal impairment, myasthenia gravis, iodine sensitivity.

Dosing :

1.5 mg/kg initially, then 0.5 mg/kg as required. Infants of less than 1 month: 250-750 mcg/kg initially, then 100-500 mcg/kg as required.

Adverse Effect :

Commonly seen adverse effects are moderate increase in blood pressure, respiratory depression due to respiratory muscle paresis, ventricular rhythm changes which may be prevented by the administration of an association of halothane-nitrous oxide-oxygen.

Interaction :

Cyclopropane: Gallamine may provoke ventricular arrhythmias.
Pentothal: May be added to or mixed with Pentothal but not vice versa. Do not use syringes previously used for Pentothal. Do not use yellow coloured solutions of the drug.

Hepatic Dose :

No dosage adjustments are recommended.
11/29/2024 06:41:44 Gallamine
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