Drug Index

Gadoterate Meglumine

Mechanism :

Its a paramagnetic agent, used to detect lesion detection during MRI, a causes increased signal intensity by developing a magenetic moment when placed in magnetic field thereby shortening T1 and T2 in target tissues. When administered the effects are primarily observed in the T1 relaxation time.

Indication :

  • For contrast enhancement in MRI to see areas with abnormal vascularity within all parts of the body except the heart.

Contraindications :

• Hypersensitivity

• h/o atopy/asthma

• pts of renal impairment (AKI, CKD)

• Pregnancy: use only if unavoidable

• Breastfeeding: not contraindicated

• Caution with sickle cell anemia
• Diabetes mellitus

• Hypertension

• Nephrogenic systemic fibrosis

Dosing :

0.2 ml/kg single IV blous at a maximum rate of 1-2 ml/s.

Adverse Effect :

nephrogenic systemic fibrosis, headache, nausea, injection site pain and coldness, arrhythmia, syncope, diarrhoea, fever

Interaction :

• Beta blockers: -olols

• Calcium channel blockers: diltiazem, dihydropyridines(-dipines), verapamil

Hepatic Dose :

no dose adjustment needed

11/29/2024 06:25:22 Gadoterate Meglumine
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