Drug Index


Mechanism :

Endogenous androgens are responsible for normal growth and development of the male sex organs and for maintenance of secondary sex characteristics. These effects include growth and maturation of the prostate, seminal vesicles, penis, and scrotum; development of male hair distribution, such as beard, pubic, chest, and axillary hair; laryngeal enlargement, vocal cord thickening, and alterations in body musculature and fat distribution.

Indication :

  • Males: Primary hypogonadism (congenital or acquired)
  • Hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
  • Delayed puberty

Contraindications :

Known hypersensitivity to the drug. Males with carcinoma of the breast. Males with known or suspected carcinoma of the prostate gland. Patients with serious cardiac, hepatic or renal disease.

Dosing :

2.5 to 20 mg once orally (for 4-6 months in case of delayed puberty).

Adverse Effect :

Virilization of external genitalia of the female fetus when administered to a pregnant woman.

Male: gynecomastia, excessive frequency and duration of penile erections, oligospermia, increased or decreased libido, anxiety, headache, depression, generalized paresthesia, suppression of clotting factors II, V, VII, and X, bleeding in patients on concomitant anticoagulant therapy, polycythemia, nausea, alterations in liver function tests, cholestatic jaundice, hepatocellular neoplasms, hirsutism, seborrhea, male pattern of baldness, acne, retention of sodium, chloride, water, potassium, calcium, and inorganic phosphates, hypersensitivity (skin manifestations and anaphylactoid reactions).

Interaction :

Androgens: May increase sensitivity to oral anticoagulants. Concurrent administration of oxyphenbutazone and androgens may result in elevated serum levels of oxyphenbutazone. In diabetic patients, the metabolic effects of androgens may decrease blood glucose and therefore, insulin requirements.

Hepatic Dose :

Mild and moderate hepatic impairment: Use with caution. Stop the drug if signs of toxicity appear
Severe hepatic impairment: Use is contraindicated.
11/29/2024 12:15:13 Fluoxymesterone
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