Drug Index

Ethiodized Oil

Mechanism :

Iodinated radiopaque contrast compounded with fatty acid ethyl esters of poppy seed oil

Indication :

  • Lymphography.

Contraindications :

Right to Left cardiac shunt, lymphatic obstruction due to past surgeries, malignancy, advance pulmonary disease, radiotherapy in the area concerned Hyperthyroidism, Acute pelvic inflammatory disease, cervical erosion

Dosing :

Use least amount needed in the anatomical area to be visualized, inject in the lymphatic vessel under radiological view and discontinue in case of any pain, lymphatic blockage or as soon as ethiodized oil is radiographically evident in thoracic duct.
Maximum dosing- 0.25 ml/kg.

Adverse Effect :

Based on Post-Marketing Reports-

Lipogranuloma, Fever, Anaphylaxis

Cardiovascular- lymphangitis, thrombophlebitis

Central Nervous System- Cerebral embolism

Dermatology- Allergic dermatitis

Gastrointestinal- Hepatic vein thrombosis, Nausea, vomiting,


Ophthalmology- Retinal vein occlusion

Respiratory- Pulmonary embolism, dyspnoea, ARDS

Interaction :

Loop Diuretics- May increase the nephrotoxicity of contrast agents

Aldesleukin- Can increase the chance of hypersensitivity to the iodinate contrast agents

Sodium Iodide I131- Iodinated contrast agents can decrease efficacy of sodium iodide I131.

Lactation :

Unknown, however if iodide levels increase in breast-milk it can interfere with thyroid function of the infant

Pregnanacy :

Iodine transfer can interfere with the thyroid metabolism of the foetus, lipoidal hysterosalpingography is contraindicated in pregnant females

11/28/2024 23:58:54 Ethiodized Oil
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