Drug Index


Mechanism :

Histamine 1 receptor antagonist, it also prevents the release of histamine from mast cells involved in allergic response; has affinity for H2 alpha1, alpha2, and 5HT2 receptors

Indication :

  • To prevent ocular pruritis in allergic conjunctivitis patients.

Dosing :

Children ≥2 years-Instil one drop in each affected eye twice daily.
Remove contact lens before application and wait for 10 mins after application for reinserting the lens.

Adverse Effect :

Ocular- Delayed hyperaemia, irritation, lacrimation

Respiratory system- Sinusitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, cough

Accidental contamination of ophthalmic solution can cause bacterial keratitis

Lactation :

Unknown if excreted in milk, use with caution

Pregnanacy :

Animal studies show some risk, but no controlled human studies done. It can be used if benefits outweigh the risks

11/28/2024 23:56:36 Epinastine
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