Drug Index


Synonym :

Dimercaptosuccinic acid

Mechanism :

It is a heavy metal chelator used in the treatment of lead toxicity.

Indication :

  • Lead Poisoning
  • Mercury poisoning
  • Arsenic poisoning

Contraindications :

Known allergy to DMSA.

Dosing :

Safety and efficacy in infants have not been established.
30 mg/kg/day 8 hourly PO for 5 days and then 20 mg/kg/day 12 hourly PO for 14 days.

Adverse Effect :

Nausea, vomiting, appetite loss, bitter taste in mouth, rash, eutropenia.

Interaction :

None known.

Hepatic Dose :

More frequent monitoring of serum transaminases may be required in patients with a history of liver disease due to the risk of transient increases. No dosage adjustments are recommended.
11/04/2024 14:40:38 DMSA
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