Drug Index

Diphtheria Antitoxin

Mechanism :

Diphtheria antitoxin is an equine preparation administered in suspected or diagnosed diphtheria patients.

Indication :

  • Suspected or confirmed cases of diphtheria

Contraindications :

Whenever there is a history of allergy, sensitivity to horse serum or manifestations of sensitivity when in proximity to horses, or if the reaction to the skin or eye test is positive, great care must be exercised in the administration of serum.

Dosing :

Nasal diphtheria:
10000-20000 units IM.
Tonsillar diphtheria
15000-25000 units IM or IV.
Pharyngeal or Laryngeal diphtheria:
20000-40000 units IM or IV.
Combined types or Delayed Diagnosis:
40000-60000 units IV.
Severe diphtheria:
40000-100000 units IV or part IV and part IM.

Adverse Effect :

Whenever there is a history of allergy, sensitivity to horse serum or manifestations of sensitivity when in proximity to horses, or if the reaction to the skin or eye test is positive, great care must be exercised in the administration of serum.

Anaphylactic reaction, thermal reaction, serum sickness.

Hepatic Dose :

No dosage adjustments are recommended.
11/25/2024 18:34:45 Diphtheria Antitoxin
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