Drug Index


Synonym :


Mechanism :

Betamethasone is a synthetic adrenocorticosteroid, for dermatologic use. It is an analog of prednisolone and has a high degree of corticosteroid activity and a slight degree of mineralocorticoid activity.

Indication :

  • Otitis externa
  • Inflammatory rhinitis
  • Topical agent for reducing local inflammation of skin in diseases like eczema, psoriasis, lichen planus, contact and seborrheic dermatitis.

Contraindications :

Contraindicated in patients who are hypersensitive to betamethasone dipropionate, to other corticosteroids, or to any ingredient in this preparation.

Dosing :

Ointment 0.05%, Cream 0.05%, Gel 0.05%, lotion 0.05%, Drops 0.1% w/v
Ear: 2-3 drops into the affected ear, 2-3 hourly, gradually reduce frequency when relief is obtained.
Nose: 2-3 drops into each nostril 2-3 times daily.
Skin: Apply a thin layer over affected part of skin twice a day.

Adverse Effect :

Burning, itching, irritation, dryness, folliculitis, hypertrichosis, acneiform eruptions, hypopigmentation, perioral dermatitis, allergic contact dermatitis, secondary infection, skin atrophy, striae and miliaria.

Interaction :

Barbiturates, Phenytoin and Rifampicin: Will decrease corticosteroid levels.
Salicylates and NSAIDs, Diuretics (potassium depleting), Caffeine: An alcohol increase risk of gastric ulcer.
Live virus vaccines (increased risk of viral infection): Vaccines may have decreased effects.

Renal Dose :

Dose in Renal Impairment GFR (mL/min)
20-50Dose as in normal renal function
10-20Dose as in normal renal function
<10Dose as in normal renal function

Dose in Patients undergoing Renal Replacement Therapies
CAPDUnknown dialysability. Dose as in normal renal function
HDUnknown dialysability. Dose as in normal renal function
HDF/High fluxUnknown dialysability. Dose as in normal renal function
CAV/VVHDUnknown dialysability. Dose as in normal renal function

Hepatic Dose :

No dosage adjustments are recommended.
11/27/2024 15:21:04 Betamethasone
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