Drug Index


Mechanism :

Bromhexine is a mucolytic drug. It is found to reduce viscosity of. It is used in the treatment of respiratory tract disorders such as bronchitis. FDA USA currently does not recommend its use in children less than 2 years of age.

Indication :

  • Mucolytic agent.

Contraindications :

Bromhexine is contraindicated for use in patients with known hypersensitivity or idiosyncratic reaction to bromhexine hydrochloride (or any of the other ingredients in the product).

Dosing :

6-12 years: 4 mg 3 times daily.
2-6 years: 2 mg 3 times daily.
<2 years: 1 mg 3 times daily.

Adverse Effect :

GI side effects, headache, dizziness, sweating, skin rashes.

Interaction :

No known drug interactions.

Hepatic Dose :

Dose adjustment will be required. Clearance of bromhexine or its metabolites may be reduced in patients with severe hepatic impairment.
11/13/2024 06:27:03 Bromhexine
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