Drug Index

Brimonidine (Ophthalmic)

Mechanism :

It acts on the alpha adrenergic receptors present in the eye. By activating G protein coupled receptors and cAMP, it decreases the production of aqueous humour by the ciliary body. Additionally, it increases the uveoscleral outflow of aqueous humour, thus achieving a reduction in IOP.

Indication :

  • Open angle glaucoma due to raised IOP
  • Redness in the eye

Contraindications :

• Hypersensitivity

• Patients younger than 2 years

• Caution in case of severe cardiovascular associated with severe vascular insufficiency  disorder/cerebrovascular disease, orthostatic hypotension, Raynaud phenomenon, thromboangitis obliterans, depression

• Minimal data available regarding safety in pregnant and lactating women. Based on data available, may use the drug as no risk to fetus/production of milk is known. Decision regarding use should be made based on importance of the drug to the mother

Dosing :

Ophthalmic solution:
0.1% (Alphagan P) .
0.15% (Alphagan P, Qoliana, generic).
0.025% (Lumify) .
For raised IOP/open angle glaucoma:
<2 years: contraindicated.
≥2 years: 0.15% solution 1 drop in the eye(s) that is affected to be repeated every 8 hours.
For redness in the eye:
<5 years: safety and efficacy is not established.
≥5 years: 0.025% solution 1 drop in the eye(s) that is affected to be repeated every 6-8 hours.
Lumify: Relives ocular redness caused by minnor eye irritatations.

Adverse Effect :

Dry eyes, conjuctival hyperemia, itching in the eye, photophobia, allergic conjunctivitis, discharge from the eyes, inflammation of the eyelids, rash, headache, tiredness, dizziness, indigestion

Interaction :

• Contraindicated: isocarboxazid, linezolid, phenelzine, procarbazine, rasagiline, selegiline, tranylcypromine

• Requiring close monitoring: amifostine, digoxin, angiotensin II receptor blockers, intranasal esketamine, lurasidone, rectal nitroglycerin, stiripentol

• Minor:

11/26/2024 16:29:18 Brimonidine (Ophthalmic)
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