Drug Index


Mechanism :

It is an Interleukin-5 (IL-5) Inhibitor available as a monoclonal antibody and is used as immunotherapy. 

Indication :

  • Indicated for add-on maintenance treatment of severe asthma in patients with an eosinophilic phenotype aged ≥12 years

Contraindications :

  • It is to be avoided in patients with a history of hypersensitivity to benralizumab. Use with caution in patients with hamster protein hypersensitivity, as the drug is produced in Chinese hamster ovary cells.
  • Benralizumab should not be used to treat acute bronchospasm or status asthmaticus.
  • Benralizumab reduces the production and survival of eosinophils, which may be involved in the immunological response to some helminth infections. Hence treat worm infestation first before starting benralizumab. 

Dosing :

It is available as a injection (1 mL = 30 mg) to be given subcutaneously.
<12 years:
Safety and efficacy not established.
≥12 years:
30 mg SC every 4 weeks for the first 3 doses, and then to be given every 8 weeks(Max dose: 30 mg/dose).

Adverse Effect :

Headache, pharyngitis, fever, hypersensitivity reactions

Interaction :

There are no drug interactions associated with Benralizumab. 
11/04/2024 23:26:26 Benralizumab
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