Hypertriglyceridemia in 6 month
Rimjhim Shrivastava, PGI
vaginal delivery cried after 5-7 min but the immediate postnatal period was uneventful. At 3 month of age, he presented with fever and diarrhea. For this he was admitted and was found to have sodium of 176meq, Land potassium of 4.7meq, L on day 3 of admission. Technician reported that the blood was turning white on putting reagent. His triglyceride was 1732 mg percent and Cholesterol of 271 mg percent. Repeat TG after one month showed a value of 1475 mg percent. He was started with Tab Atorvastatin 10 mg OD. After one month TG was 732 mg percent. Child is also having alopecia over the scalp and very sparse eyebrows and eye lids in addition to delayed milestones. Otherwise the child is active, feeding well. His weight is 4 kg since last 3 months and has a liver of 6cm,soft to firm. The first twin died at the age of 46 days due to _?SIDS.
Are we missing on something_? What should be done_?