Diagnostic Dilemma

Facial cavernous hemangioma with hypoplastic right cerebellar hemisphere

A 1 month old boy born of non consanguineous marriage presented with red coloured patches over right side of face, right eyelid and right side of up since birth with swelling in right check. There was no convulsions. Child was a full term normal delivery with birth weight of 3.25 kg. On examination, he had a cavernous hemangioma on right side of face. Other systems were normal. His hemogram, renal and liver function tests and ultrasound abdomen were normal. CT brain showed hypoplastic right cerebellar hemisphere with hypoplastic left internal carotid artery with dilated tortous right internal carotid artery and bilateral posterior cerebral artery. Ophthalmological examination was normal. Echocardiography was normal.

What is the diagnosis?
Expert Opinion :
PHACES syndrome.
Answer Discussion :
Shaima Hassan
Port wine syndrome
3 years ago
Arora N K
Struge weber syndrome
3 years ago

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