Diagnostic Dilemma


A 20 day old male baby developed respiratory distress after half an hour after birth. Baby was born full term, cried immediately after birth and birth weight was 2.5 kg. Antenatal period was uneventful though USG antenatally showed polyhydramnios. The baby was admitted to NICU and had sternal retractions with secretions in throat. Complete blood count was normal, CRP was negative. Chest X-ray showed aspiration on right side. Distress gradually reduced but baby need frequent oral suction. Dye study of upper GI track was done that showed Grade III reflux and CT brain was normal. Gradual RT feedings were started but baby was not taking anything orally. Baby had aspiration on day12 and again needed admission to NICU. With oromotor stimulation, chest physiotherapy, IV fluid, Antibiotics baby improved and was off oxygen in 4 days but was not able to suck and swallow. ENT examination showed no anomaly. At present baby is 22 days old on full RT feeds and gaining weight.

How to proceed further_?
Answer Discussion :
nadir brivkani
this patient needs to be done for him barium meal and follow throw to exclude trachio esopgageal fistula
15 years ago
Gayatri Athalye Sape
looks like h shaped te fistula,doing a bronchoscopy,sos hrct chest might help
15 years ago

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