
Jayesh N Doctor
Ophthalmic Surgeon, Doctor Eye Institute, Mumbai, India
First Created: 01/11/2001  Last Updated: 08/01/2015

Patient Education

What is a cataract?

When the natural crystalline lens of the eye becomes cloudy, it is known as a cataract.

Symptoms of cataract:

  • Feeling of a film covering the eye
  • Glare from bright sunlight or poor vision when viewing oncoming automobile headlights at night.
  • Difficulty in performing routine tasks such as reading the newspaper.

Is operation the only remedy?

Yes, it is. Unfortunately, once the lens of the eye has become cloudy, there is no medical treatment or nutritional method available to date for clearing the cataract.

It is now not necessary to wait until the cataract ripens to thick white opacity; it can be removed when it starts to interfere with normal daily activities such as reading the newspaper.

Can intraocular lenses be put in children?

Gone are the days of wearing those heavy and unsightly specs which have so many drawbacks - difficulty in crossing the road, climbing the stairs, etc. Changing times and advanced technology have brought a variety of intraocular lens implants. These are the natural lens. They are UV coated; hence protect the retina from the harmful effects of UV radiation.

How is cataract surgery performed?

Traditional surgery involves making a large incision of 9 to 10 mm and closing it with several stitches. This pulls the eye out of shape resulting in distorted astigmatic vision.

Phacoemulsification makes use of the small, highly sophisticated ultrasonic machine. This is steered into the eyes. Localized high-frequency sound waves break up the cataract into small fragments, which are then, sucked out through the instrument's hollow tubing. A thin capsule or shell is left in place. This maintains the natural anatomy of the eye. The size of the incision is only 3 mm. An intraocular lens is implanted through this opening. It is placed inside the eye in place of the natural lens. With a foldable IOL, the incision remains 3 mm. The healing is fast.

There are cases where the child is born with the cataract in both or either of the eyes which will require an urgent ophthalmic check-up. If the cataracts are total, surgery has to be performed fairly soon otherwise the light reflex may not develop causing an almost irreversible loss of vision. Whether to put an IOL implant or not is to judge by the surgeon a thorough examination of the case and keeping in mind the overall assessment and physiological development of the child. At present cataract surgery in children has been made fairly safe and also IOL implants do give a good sight. But these types of cases need through follow up examinations at regular intervals. If necessary IOLs have to be exchanged at a later date.

Cataracts Cataracts 2015-08-01
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