Short Stature - An Approach

Dr Ira Shah
Consultant Pediatrician, B.J.Wadia Hospital for Children, Mumbai, India
First Created: 02/23/2001  Last Updated: 08/01/2015

Patient Education

Height: The height of the baby is usually 50 cms at birth. In children up to 2 years of age, the sleeping length is taken whereas, in children above 2 years of age, standing height is taken. The spurt in height is different in different age groups for e.g., a child increases by 25 cms in the first year of life i.e., height at 1 year would be around 75 cms. In the second year of life, an increase in height would be by around 12 cms. Subsequently, the child grows by 6 to 8 cm/year till 5 years of age and then 5 cm/year till puberty following which there are a spurt and increase in height by 10 to 15 cms.

To estimate normal Height of the child, the following formula may be used:-

Age Height
At birth 50 cms
1 year 75 cms
2 years 87 cms
2 to 5 years Increase by 6 to 8 cm/year
After 5 years Increase by 5 cm/year till puberty

Short Stature - an Approach Short Stature - an Approach 2015-08-01
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