Ebola Virus Epidemic - Things to know

https://i.ytimg.com/vi/F6D1NUCO87A/mqdefault.jpg 11/07/2014 11:30:00 Dr. Ira Shah explains to us about the Basics of Ebola virus with information about its outbreaks, types, transmission, etc.
Also explained are the clinical features along with case definition
In the end, talk is about the importance of Infection control and measures to be taken with personal protection equipment.
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Also check out the lecture on Cough Syrups by Dr. Ira Shah

Ebola Virus Epidemic - Things to know

Dr. Ira Shah explains to us about the Basics of Ebola virus with information about its outbreaks, types, transmission, etc.
Also explained are the clinical features along with case definition
In the end, talk is about the importance of Infection control and measures to be taken with personal protection equipment.
For more info visit our WEBSITE Pediatric Oncall: https://www.pediatriconcall.com/
SUBSCRIBE to Pediatric Oncall for more such videos: https://www.youtube.com/pediatriconcall
FOLLOW us on social media pages for updates and regular case discussions:
Facebook: www.facebook.com/PediatricOncall/
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/pediatriconcall
Also check out the lecture on Cough Syrups by Dr. Ira Shah
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