Spot Diagnosis


Question :
Spot diagnosis

What is the procedure that this boy is undergoing?

Discussion :
Haemodialysis. Haemodialysis is indicated in patients with chronic renal failure, acute renal failure or poisoning, end stage renal disease and rarely inborn errors of metabolism, cardiac failure. Haemodialysis is a method of dialysis where vascular access is used along with an artificial semipermeable membrane pack in a dialyser and controlled by a dialysis machine, so that transfer of solutes and fluid from blood to the dialysate fluid takes place in a controlled manner, by extracorporeal perfusion. Chronic maintenance haemodialysis (CMHD) is given 3 times a week. Each session of dialysis is for 3-4 hours.

Correct Answers : yes  72%

Last Shown : Jun 2005
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