Spot Diagnosis

CNS toxoplasmosis

Question :
An HIV infected child presented with convulsions and unconsciousness. There was no neck rigidity and contact with tuberculosis.

What is the diagnosis?

Discussion :
CNS toxoplasmosis. Although no single CT appearance can be considered pathognomonic for CNS toxoplasmosis, multiple ring like or solid, rounded areas of enhancement often can be seen on contrast enhanced CT. Although no anatomic location is considered classic, involvement in the region of the basal ganglia and other surgically inaccessible areas (e.g., the midbrain and brainstem) is common. Occasionally asymmetric target lesion has been identified in patients with toxoplasmosis. In the immunocompromised AIDS patient, a thick rim of enhancement on CT is less common than in other patients

Correct Answers : yes  21%

Last Shown : Nov 2007
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