Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 11 Jan 2008
Why should we give thalassemic patient Folic acid? Why do you give vitamin C?
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Answer Discussion :
manar aref
they have much more hematopoiesis, needing more folic acid and vit c
17 years ago
kasun senanayake
due to increased haemolysis
17 years ago
Folic acid is required as there is increased RBC turnover due to ineffective erythropoiesis. This leads to folic acid deficiency.

Ascorbic acid deficiency increases insoluble iron {hemosiderin}. Vitamin C helps in conversion of hemosiderin into ferritin from which iron can be chelated. Addition of vitamin C 100 mg daily prior to DFO therapy increases iron excretion. 60 Percent of DFO chelated iron is excreted in urine, and 40 Percent in stool. However in patients with cardiomyopathy it should be avoided as High doses of Vitamin C can lead to increased free radical reaction and lipid peroxidaton resulting in tissue damage and rapid cardiac decompensation and even death.

Read the article on THALESSEMIA on or from the link given below:

17 years ago

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