Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 26 Oct 2008
When a case of congenital hypothyroidism is diagnosed, is it necessary to do radionuclear thyroid scan before starting treatment? Is it not enough to do a thyroid ultrasound to check whether thyroid gland is present? If radionuclear thyroid scan is done, what are the advantages in the management?
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Answer Discussion :
wether it is going to be a permanent one and to know the autoimmune etiology_?_?
16 years ago
A non-invasive nuclear scan may be able to recognize the cause of neonatal hypothyroidism- 1. Thyroid dysgenesis, including aplasia or hypoplasia of the thyroid gland and ectopy of the thyroid, often with hypoplasia. 2. Dyshormonogenesis. In general, thyroid trapping of pertechnetate or iodine will be increased, and demonstrated on the radionuclide study. 3. Hypopituitarism due to pituitary aplasia or midline brain developmental defects. An anatomically normal thyroid will show reduced uptake. Ultrasonography may be a reasonable alternative to scintigraphy but may fail to reveal some ectopic glands.
16 years ago

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