Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 19 Nov 2008
What is the meaning of healing ulcer in case of deep burn? please explain the procedure of skin grafting.
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Answer Discussion :
Etihad Shobeir
sloping edge, clean grnulation tissue.
Skin graft: to take partial or full thickness of healthy skin and apply it to an area without ski coverage.

16 years ago
drshaukat panjawani
the healing ulcer is one which has healthy granulation tissue at the base,no necrotic tissue.Skin grafting has many differet types.It is better to go through books.
16 years ago
Healing ulcer is one in which ulcer starts decreasing in size, improves and starts recovering. Skin grafting is a surgical procedure by which skin or skin substitute is placed over a burn or non-healing wound to permanently replace damaged or missing skin or provide a temporary wound covering. Skin for grafting can be obtained from another area of the patients body, called an autograft, if there is enough undamaged skin available, and if the patient is healthy enough to undergo the additional surgery required. Alternatively, skin can be obtained from another person {donor skin from cadavers is frozen, stored, and available for use}, called an allograft, or from an animal {usually a pig}, called a xenograft. Allografts and xenografts provide only temporary covering-they are rejected by the patients immune system within seven to 10 days and must be replaced with an autograft.
16 years ago

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