Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 11 May 2010
what is the managment of mild DKA with patient
can take oral feeding_?
Expert Answer :
Mild diabetic ketoacidosis is defined as bicarbonate between 21-28meq, L and , or ph 7.10 to 7.30. In mild DKA, Insulin should be given initially as IV infusion 0.1U, kg, hr and then given as subcutaneous as 1U, kg when plasma Glucose decreases to around 200mg, dl. Fluids can be given orally with potassium and sodium chloride howebsitey for 24 hours and then can proceed to liquids and soft food later.
Answer Discussion :
srinivas reddy
subcutaneous insulin therapy with dietary advice
15 years ago
brijesh parikh
oral diet sugar free.
s, c insulin plain under rbs and urine acetone monitoring.
screening for precipitating factors.

15 years ago
abedalsalam bdour
discharge home
15 years ago
suresh kumar
split mix regimn and oral food
15 years ago
chander mohan
insulin with plenty of liquid orally
15 years ago

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