Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 21 Apr 2005
What is the difference between diplegia and paraplegia?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
Diplegia affects more of the lower limbs than the upper limb whereas paraplegeia involves only lower limbs
20 years ago
Bijan Saha
in diplegia upper limb weakness more than lower limb . Paraplegia all 4 limbs are equally affected
20 years ago
Diplegia is due to lesion in the cortex where as paraplegia is due lesion in the spinal cord.
20 years ago
Faisal Shafiq
Diplegia refers to weakness in both lower limbs which is upper motor neuron lesion type. commonest cause is prematurity. upper limbs may also be involved but always to a lesser extent.
paraplegia refers to pure bilateral lower limb weakness that may be due to upper or lower motor neuron lsion type

20 years ago
Pravin G. Patel
Diplegia is the paralysis {loss of movement and or sensation}of the same body parts on both sides of body.Example would be both the hands are paralysed or two similar parts of face on both the sides , or both legs are paralysed.There are several types of diplegia depending upon body part affected.It is usualy caused by cerebral involvement

Paraplegia is the paralysis of lower half of body with involvement of both legs usualy caused by diseases or injury to spinal cord.

20 years ago

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