Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 12 Jan 2008
What is refeeding syndrome?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
Rapid fall in phosphate, Magnesium and potassium levels occuring after a previously malnourished child is fed high calorie diet.
17 years ago
syndrome by feeding
17 years ago
Refeeding syndrome occurs when previously malnourished patients are fed with high carbohydrate loads, the result is a rapid fall in phosphate, magnesium and potassium, along with an increasing ECF volume, leading to a variety of complications.

The delivery of glucose, either enterally or parenterally, as part of a feeding strategy, can cause a huge increase in the circulating insulin level. The patient struggles to cope with converting to exogenous fuel sources. There is rapid uptake of glucose, potassium, phosphate and magnesium into cells. The serum concentration of these agents falls dramatically. Also due to cortisol secretion there is water and sodium retention that leads to increased ECF volume. It is also known as sugar baby.
Treatment would be to start feeds slowly and being aware of this entity thus preventing it. Supplementation with phosphate may help to prevent it.

17 years ago

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