Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 28 May 2010
this 20 months old boy presented with history of pallor for long time , he was given iron therpy for about 3months after diong HB and found it 8.5gm, dl now his CBC: HB 10, HCT 33, MCV 77 , MCH 23 , Retic 1.1 RDW 12.7 PLT 346,000 WBC 7,000 . is it still iron deficiency, why it was not corrected after iron therpy{proper dose}
and why the retic not increasing . NB parents can not offer to do other investigations _? .
Expert Answer :
From the indices, it appears to be normocytic normochromic anemia. Also the RDW is not high as in iron deficiency anemia. Thus other causes of anemia should be ruled out especially chronic illnesses.
Answer Discussion :
nadeem muhammad
thalassemia trait
15 years ago
suzan kalan
the patient has an another anemia with iron deficiency such as minor thalassemia
15 years ago
praphul singh
thal. intermedia
15 years ago
drdeepthi raju
details regarding family history of hemolytic anemias is important...equally important is the nutritional status of the child...Fe alone cannot correct anemia if he has B12,folate,micronutrient and calorie protein defiency...all need to be taken care of..n how is Fe being given...along with food then it will not be effective..if all these factors are taken care of then one can think of getting electrophoresis and any evidence of lead poisoining as possibilities.dewormin the child would be a simple measure.cow milk protein allergy will be another common condition in this age group.look for occult blood in stool.
15 years ago
tahir mahmood
is it beta thallasemia trait
15 years ago

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