Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 23 Oct 2010
We give Kidrolyte {contains 5 percent Dextrose along with electrolytes} to newborn on 3rd day. To give 6-8 mg, kg, min of glucose, how much 10 percent Dextrose should be added.
Yours sincerely,
Dr Milon Mitra.
Expert Answer :
The questions is to give 6 to 8 mgs, kg, min for a baby - you need to do mathematical calculation for EACH baby differently!!

Because generally 10 percent Glucose is nothing but 10 gms of Glucose in 100 mls - so you can use 50 percent Dextrose {glucose} which is 50 gms of Glucose in 100 mls - for dilution - which is less volume. Depending on the baby`s weight the volume of sugar will need to be calculated.

If the baby is getting 5 percent Kidrolyte - baby is getting 5 gms of Glucose in 100 mls. Say if the baby is 3 kgs - if they want to give 8 mgs, kg, min = 24 mgs, min = 1.44 gms, hour. If the baby is getting say 120 mls, kgs, day = 360 mls, day. So if you are requiring to give 1.44 gms, hour = 34.56 gms, day. In other words You need to have roughly 35 gms in 360 mls for that baby. So you are giving 360 mls of 5 percent Kidrolyte, day ie., 1.8 gms, day - you add 32 gms - roughly 65 mls of 50 percent Glucose is added to the 360 mls of 5 percent kidrolyte to give 8 gms, kg, min.

---- R Kishore Kumar,
Consultant Neonatalogist
Answer Discussion :
For 3 rd day Term baby your Kidrolyte requires 175-230 mlKg, day to achive 6-8mg, Kg, min of Glucose concentration.
Better to use 10 percent Dextrose Solution with electrolyte.
As it is high in relative to 3rd day of life.And required amonut in 3 rd day of life in Term baby is 90ml, kg, day.
Refrence:Meherban Singh. Book of neonatolgy

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