Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 04 Nov 2014
Pl. provide me details reg. diagnosis and management of

Recurrentand Recrudiscent Malarial fever .

Thanking you,


Dr. venkateswarlu.
Expert Answer :
Recrudescence. The recurrence of asexual parasitaemia after treatment of the infection with the same infection that caused the original illness {in endemic areas now defined by molecular genotyping}.

Recurrence. The recurrence of asexual parasitaemia following treatment. This can be caused by a recrudescence, a relapse {in P. vivax and P. ovale infections only} or a new infection.

Relapse. The recurrence of asexual parasitaemia in P. vivax and P. ovale malaria deriving from persisting liver stages. Relapse occurs when the blood stage infection has been eliminated but hypnozoites persist in the liver and mature to form hepatic schizonts.

Treatment of relapse is the same as acute malarial fever. However Primaquine for 14 days should be given to prevent further relapse.
Answer Discussion :
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