Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 05 Mar 2007
Lots of neonates have scanty scalp hair and some have plenty. Sometimes parents ask what is the cause of less hairs and any medication for same? What should we answer? Shaving once may increase them - does it really work?
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
The cause of difference in the hair in newborns is not known. The downy intrauterine hair is usually lost in the first 6 months of life and replaced by the permanent hair irrespective if the head is shaved or not.
18 years ago
no child or baby is the same like the other like even our five fingers are not of the same lenght.diversity makes us human unique.its a gift ,live it dotn mourn it.hahah
18 years ago
arundeep bagania
hair color and texture is heridetary but in neonates amount of scalp hair is may be vitamin E related.shaving doesnot help in improving the texture.
18 years ago

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