Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 06 Dec 2001
Is giving our 3yr. old son milk at night, or in the middle of the night, bad for his teeth?
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
As such milk in excess is always harmful at this age. So far as teeth are concerned if they are cleaned properly after giving milk there is no harm at all.
23 years ago
suresh nair
yes,he has high chances of developing caries
23 years ago
Darshan S Kothari
Fisrtly,why would one give milk to a three year old child in the MIDDLE of the night? Then,if you are feeding with a bottle then it is definitely harmful not only to the teeth but generally also.Finally to give a glass of milk at night {before sleeping} won't do any harm to his teeth.
23 years ago

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