Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 27 Jul 2012
in newborn that delivery at car or at home
is it neccessary to give anti tetanus_?and what is the dose and how it given_?
what other management to these cases_?
Expert Answer :
Whether it is car or at home - if you use sterile scissors to cut the cord and mom is immunised against tetanus during pregnancy, the recommendation throughout the world is to start DTP {which includes tetatnus} at around 6 or 8 weeks and not before that. Other management of these - is encourage breast feeds, keep wound sterile with cleaning with dettol or someother antiseptic and good nutrition for the mother.
Answer Discussion :
bb bb
yes. 0.5 ml TT IM
12 years ago
rohit agrawal
depends on the type of delivery and cut of the cord..5 c`s
12 years ago
jahanara gul
In cases of car or home delivery if the cord had been cut or clamped it is necessary to give antitetanus 1ml I, m.tetanus immunoglobulin can also be given
12 years ago
Ebru Ergenekon
No if mother is vaccinated , but yes if mother is not vaccinated against tetanus
12 years ago
D Nagesh
not necessary, if mother had antinatal full coutse of teatnus immunization.
12 years ago

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