Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 15 Feb 2013
in emergency management of status epilepticus if anticovulants failed to stop seizure,our doctor said that we can use ventilation,how does hyperventilation stop seizures,what`s the mechanism_?
Expert Answer :
In case of status epilepticus that is uncontrolled, patients may need Midazolam drip or other anticonvuslant drip to control the seires. This may lead to depressed respiration and as a result the patient may need artificial ventilation.
Answer Discussion :
ghoody sharafeldeen
Hyperventillaton produces Respiratory alkalosis in which there is ca influx into the and thus producing tetany , so i think it will make it worse and the pt may not improve
12 years ago
It washes co2 , causing vasoconstriction
12 years ago
vasanthi udeshi
increases the blood supply and oxygenation to the brain and hence may regulate the impulses to the brain
12 years ago
hyperventilation will cause co2 washout, thus causing vasoconstriction of cerebral vessels and decreasing cerebral edema resulting in increase in the seizure thresold.
12 years ago

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