Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 23 Sep 2011
Im 25 years old. I`m in 6 month pregnant now. My LMP : 23, 03, 09. Due date: 05, 01, 10.
I did blood check up for RUBELLA two days before. The result is RUBELLA IgG Antibody,Serum - 96.4 IU, ML. Please advice us for the above result. We did scane in 20th week, it was everything normal.

Thanks and Regards
Expert Answer :
A positive rubella IgG suggests that you are immune to rubella and are protected either due to past rubella infection or due to rubella vaccine. If you suffer rubella infection in pregnancy, then only there is risk of transmission of rubella to the baby. You can repeat Rubella IgG again after 4 weeks. If the rubella IgG is the same it suggests a past infection. If the rubella IgG rises by 4 times, then consult your doctor.
Answer Discussion :
meranda labeb
if the level of iGg antibody high elective abortion must done to avoid congenital anomlies of rubeola infection
13 years ago
walid hamza
only follow up
13 years ago
Past Rubella Infection.
13 years ago
nadir brivkani
you should repeat the test after 4 weeks
13 years ago
you need to do igm looking for recent infection ,and to repeat the serum level of igm to follow.
13 years ago

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