Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 28 Jul 2008
I would like to know about the role of Levamisole as an immodulator. What would be to dose of it as an immodulator ? Any specific indications for its use ?
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Answer Discussion :
Dr. Chitra Kailash
100mg tab daily for 10 days
16 years ago
Rammohan Gunreddy
as co-therapy in ITP it works wonders,150 mg per dose per week for a couple of weeks
16 years ago
Levamisole is a synthetic imidazothiazole derivative, and was originally used as an antihelminthic to treat worm infestations in both humans and animals.Levamisole is used to treat malignant melanoma {a type of skin cancer}, and in combination with fluorouracil it is used to teat a particular type of colon cancer. In children it is used to treat nephrotic syndrome and is used in dose of 2.5mg,kg,alt day. It is given only in children with steroid responsive frequent relapser with relapses that are infection induced. The mechanism of action of its immunomodulatory effect is not known.
16 years ago

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