Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 14 Aug 2008
I have boy of thirteen months {Date of Birth: 21 Nov 2005}. On the advise of a nearby maternity hospital I had given single infant dose of Hepatitis A in the end of APR 06 to my son. Now I am very much confused to give him the second dose that should be given after six month interval because every doctor to whom I approached gives me a diffrent opinion. Today after a long search on internet I became to know that the minimum age to induce this vaccine should be of 2 years. Kindly let me know what should I do now and what's the side effect of the first dose that I HAD GIVEN HIM IN APR 06?

Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
nikhil agrawal
there r two kinds of hepatitis A vaccine in indian market, one is live that is give as a single dose, the other one is killed and that is given in 2 doses at 6 months interval.
In ur case as the child has recieved the vaccine at 5 months of age, he might not be having sufficient titres, so now as he is 13 months old, u shud vaccinate him again for hepatitis A, and the preferred one is killed, as WHO has not given its comments over live vaccine yet.

16 years ago
Hepatitis A vaccine can be given after 12 months of age. There are 2 vaccines available - the live viral vaccine for which only one shot is enough and the killed vaccine for which 2 doses 6 months apart are recommended. You need to find out which vaccine the child has received. Vaccine given at 6 months of age may be ineffective due to interference by maternal antibodies.
16 years ago

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