Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 20 Apr 2007
I have a patient one month old with testicular torsion. The values of the AFP are more than 1000 mikrogram,l. I have no experience with AFP on the newborn childen. What is the normal value of AFP in one month old?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
tanuj aggarwal
upto 100
18 years ago
repeat the value
18 years ago
Alpha -Fetoprotein {AFP} is a single chain -globulin with a molecular weight of ~70 000. AFP is produced in the developing fetus by both the yolk sac and the fetal liver. At 12 weeks after conception the yolk sac degenerates and the fetal liver becomes the main site of synthesis. After 14 weeks of gestation {peak value of AFP}, AFP synthesis decreases until parturition {1}. The observation that AFP synthesis does not entirely cease at birth may be explained on the basis of transient production sustained by the presence of fetal hepatocytes
In a thai study it was found that the premature neonates had alphafetoprotein levels of 92,200 Plus -54,496 ng-ml and term neonates had 50,283 Plus -43,171 ng-ml. The levels progressively declined and approached the adult level at 6-9 months of age.

1. Blair JI, Carachi R, Gupta R, Sim FG, Macallister EJ, Weston R. Plasma -fetoprotein reference ranges in infancy: effect of prematurity. Arch Dis Child 1987,62:362-369.
2. Chulalongkorn Medical Journal 1989 Sep, 33{9}: 675-8

18 years ago

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