Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 14 Nov 2004
I have a 10 year old white male with 5 days history of severe abdominal pain, afebrile with neg exam, specifically no rash. Family history: Dad had kidney transplant due to glomerulonephritis and a History of renal stones. Child had urine red cells. No proteinuria. Peripheral smear revealed a few microcytes and mild poikilocytosis. MCV 79 platelets 345K. BUN 10, Creatinine 0.5. Ca 7.5, ionized Ca 3.18, Mg 2.28, Phos 5.3. Albumen 4.9, globulin 7.4. CT of abdomen and pelvis with and without contrast negative for hydronephrosis or calcification. What is differential diagnosis?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
pramod madhukar kulk
Sr.C3levels,urinary calcium-creatinine ratio and protein-creatinine ratio should help to exclude glomerulonephritis and hypercalciuria.
20 years ago
One may need to know more details on the type of glomerulonephritis in the father as conditions such as IgA nephropathy, Alports syndrome may be familial.
20 years ago

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