Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 03 Nov 2004
I am currently pregnant {15 weeks}. I would like to inform you that this is my second pregnancy. First one unfortunately was a still birth at start of 9th month. I have got my blood test Torch Profile done about 1 month back on advice of one doctor. According to my Torch Test, I was tested Negative for IgM Rubella and IgM Cytomegalovirus but positive for IgG Rubella and IgG Cytomegeloviruses. I got another test conducted for IgG Rubella and Cytomegalo after 4 weeks and found that the values for both have risen. What does that imply when I show negative IgM and what should I do ?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
Faisal Shafiq
a rising titre implies reinfection
20 years ago
pramod madhukar kulk
Rising IgG titres suggest active infection but It's more likely to be spurious as rise in titres for both cmv and rubella can't be explained.
A fresh quantitative assay should be decisive.

20 years ago
A positive IgM means a recent infection. A negative IgM with a rising IgG levels indicate that you had the infection in the recent past and are now immune to it. However, both Cytomegalovirus and Rubella can pass on to the fetus and since your titre has risen one has to rule out infection in the fetus. The best option would be to amniocentesis and PCR of the amniotic fluid for cytomegalovirus and rubella and see if it is present in the amniotic fluid. If positive, chances that the fetus is affected is high. If negative, the fetus is not affected.
20 years ago

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