Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 04 Feb 2007
How patients with GBS should be monitored in ICU for respiratory involvement? What are standard clinical and lab tests? At which stage ventilatory support should be started???????????
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clinically by counting number brathlessly in older childern and by checking power of respiratory muscle weakness by restricting the function of the involved muscle and lab doing a lumber puncture , the stage in which the child is impending respiratory arrest or blood gas with high co2 retention
18 years ago
dr m lahiri
GBS patients should be monitored for involvement of diapraghmatic muscles, increased work of breathing, use of accessory muscles.clinical examination includes CNS examination,watching for ascending paralysis, loss of deep tendon reflexes, in exteme cases, use of pharyngeal, laryngeal reflexes.CSF examination,CPK.ventilatory support is started if diaphragmatic paralysis is suspected.
18 years ago
watch for see saw breathing and result of ABG will guide u
18 years ago
talal k. khalifa
by monitoring oxygen saturation and arterial blood gases
18 years ago
Need for ventilation is determined by serial assessment of respiratory function by clinical examination {level of overall patient comfort, frequency and depth of breathing, use of accessory muscles, presence of paradoxical respiration, single breath count, and integrity of upper airway reflexes}, arterial blood gas {ABG} data and chest radiography. Inability to count to 20 in one breath, bulbar weakness, paradoxical breathing, hypoxemia and respiratory acidosis are all indications for endotracheal intubation and mechanical ventilation.
18 years ago

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