Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 30 Aug 2005
How do yoy manage and follow a case of VSD ,15y old with diameter Less Than less than 1cm ,CXR is normal ,ECG is normal ?
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
nikhil agrawal
routine 6 monthly follow up to look for development of pulmonary hypertension
19 years ago
Dr. M Natarajan
follow him every year with echo,treat any infections inbetween and advice for infeective endocarditis prophylaxis.
19 years ago
prathiba pai
infective endocarditis prophylaxis.with availability of noninvasive techniques, closure of vsd.
19 years ago
Both abroad and in India the general consensus is wait and defer surgery- intervention. Close monitoring essential for aortic valve prolapse, RV infundibular obstruction and parents emphasised the need for infective endocarditis prophylaxis{ all of which would be an indication for semi elective closure }
19 years ago

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