Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 25 Feb 2015
dear sir
7y old male child with hemiplegia plusM retardationplusepilepsy...mixed types plusautismplusEEG...picture of lennox gastaut syn..
His wt. is 20kg.
He is on
1.Topamax.....175mg per day
2.keppra.........1000mg perday
3.B6 25 mg b.d
4.folic acid 1 mg..
he is not without fits but occasional focal myoclonic fits without loss of consciousness.
Have you any comment...what do you advice ..what do you think about the prognosis..._?
Thank you alot
Expert Answer :
This child seems to have refractory epilepsy with additional comorbidity of autism. Diagnosis of epileptic syndromes like lennox gastaut - depends on a good analysis of seizure and EEG. The prognosis of LGS in terms of seizure control and cognition is guarded. Ifhe gets only occasional seizures, that could be considered as reasonably good control and continue on same drugs. Otherwise ketogenic diet is an option.
Answer Discussion :
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