Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 22 Aug 2010
Are prebiotics and probiptics combination, effective in acute diarrhoea, in recuurent abdominal pain of children_?
Expert Answer :
The term probiotics means “for life” and is currently used to name bacteria associated with beneficial effects for humans and animals. The concept of prebiotics is essentially the same as of probiotics which is to improve host health via modulation of the intestinal flora, although by a different mechanism. They promote the growth of good bacteria in the intestines to prevent the pathology causing organisms from proliferating. Beneficial effect of probiotics for prevention and treatment of acute diarrhea mainly caused by rotaviruses in children has been proven {1,2}.
1. Saavedra JM, Bauman NA, Oung I, Perman JA, Yolken RH. Feeding of bifidobacterium bifidum and streptococus thermophilus to infants in hospital for prevention of diarrhea and shedding of rotavirus. Lancet 1994`344:1046-1049.
2. Guandalini S, Pensabene L, Zikri MA, Dias JA, Casali LG, Hoekstra H et al. Lactobacillus GG administered in oral rehydration solution to children with acute diarrhea: A multicenter European trial. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2000`30:54-60.
Answer Discussion :
BN Shrikrishna
14 years ago
suni althaf
not much
14 years ago
14 years ago
Some time effective, if very high Purge Rate in case of Acute Diarrhea,But Main stay treatment is Oral Rehydration salt.
Not effective in Recurrent Abdominal Pain

14 years ago
sandeep patil
Not effective.
14 years ago

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