Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 12 Oct 2006
A stray dog has bitten a boy , who has recieved two doses of Rabipur vaccine. now this boy while playing caused teeth bite to another girl child. the parents of this girl child are worried whether thier daughter should recieve Antirabies vaccine. sir, what is your advice to the parents in this situation. am i justified if i tell them not to give the antirabies vaccine,giving the following reasons Human to human transmission is rare. This boy is recieving vaccine and hence has started developing antibodies. He can not secrete rabies virus without having other manifestaions of the rabies. please guide me in this situation.
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
Your reasoning of not advising anti Rabies vaccine is correct and the girl is safe
18 years ago
the girl child should be given rabipur along with,human rabies immuno globulin..the first boy can still transmit the virus, and until 3 doses of vaccine a person can not have sufficient,antibodies.
18 years ago

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