Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 03 Mar 2013
A child who is on high dose steroid, do we have to consider giving him Calcium and Vitamin D for the bones_? And for how long_?
Expert Answer :
if the steroid is high dose but short them then treat normal, if high dose and long term need to look at alternative ways to reduce predinsone then if no options are available then consider vit d supplementation for the duration of the prednisone, but risk of hypercalcuria is increased so monitor urine ca and cr and keep ratio less then .25
Answer Discussion :
yes .For 6 wks
12 years ago
dr.ali ahmed
yes for period of steroid treatment
12 years ago
clara pereira
No. He shoud do exercise and a diversified diet
12 years ago
saravanan pal
if planning to give steroids on long term and presence of other risk factors for fragile bones bone resorption inhibitors may be more useful than calcium.bone densitometry may be monitored. Calcium may be considered based on serum levels.
12 years ago
Deepa Bhandarkar
Yes.till steroid treatment continues
12 years ago

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