Posted On :
28 Jun 2003
A 14 years old child with presentation of severe anemia came in near failure with HB of 3.5 needed blood transfusion. Her MCV was 121.8 suggestive of megaloblastic anemia. Pre transfusion sample was sent for B,12 levels. Folates was not done as patient was very poor. Morpology in peripheral smear showed maccytosis plus plus plus , anisocytosis with marked basophilic strippling. Detailed h,o revealed that child was in village and has not been eating very well for last 4-5 months. Peripheral smear showed picture of pancytopenia with WBC of 2800 and platelets of 57000. Her B,12 came very low 24.6{NORMAL= 350-950} as per Hinduja Lab}. Do I need to go in for bone marrow? Do we need to rule out malabsorption?