Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 17 Jun 2006
8 year old boy with 2 episodes of lt knee monoarthritis accompanying exudative tonsilitis in a span of 3 months.Fever settled in 7 days with a course of IV Cefuroxime and ibuprofen. The monoarthritis resolved in 4 to 5 days.ESR increased from 70mm on admission to 90mm to 105mm after a week.CBC showed microcytic hypochromic anemia with normal WBC and platelets.Monospot TORCH ASOT ANA and Rheumatoid factor were negative. Xray lt Knee with soft tissue swelling but normal joint spaces.No L.nodes,rash orhepatosplenomegaly. NOTE :This boy is the sibling with chronic polyarticular JRA on treatment. What is the diagnosis?
Expert Answer :
No expert answer available.
Answer Discussion :
muhammad Anwar Sajjad
lymes disease
18 years ago
Dr.Sunil Bhaware
post streptococal reactive arthritis
18 years ago
nikhil agrawal
oligoarticular JRA
18 years ago
Dr R K Thapar
reactive arthritis
18 years ago
sohyla ghodsi
18 years ago

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