Question of the Week

Question :
Posted On : 06 Jul 2007
1.9 years old male child presented with steven johnson syndrome, he was on drug Carbazamapine{tegratol}. Now,What are the drugs of choice for the child we can use?
Expert Answer :
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Answer Discussion :
Dr. KR Yadav
sodium valo=proate
dilantin sodium

17 years ago
dr.kamal parikh
sodium valporate
17 years ago
Various etiologic factors {eg, infection, vaccination, drugs, systemic diseases, physical agents, food} have been implicated as causes of Steven Johnson syndrome. Drugs such as Antibiotics, analgesics, cough and cold medication, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug {NSAID}, psycho-epileptics are blamed. Pediatric cases are related more often to infections than to malignancy or a reaction to a drug. Viral diseases that have been reported include herpes simplex virus {HSV}, AIDS, Coxsackie viral infections, influenza, hepatitis, mumps, lymphogranuloma venereum {LGV}, rickettsial infections, and variola.
Bacterial etiologies include group A beta streptococci, diphtheria, Brucellosis, mycobacteria, Mycoplasma pneumoniae, tularemia, and typhoid. In children, Epstein-Barr virus and enteroviruses have been identified.
Hence one should rule out the above infections, do a mycoplasma antigen test and if all that is negative then assume the drug to have caused it. If the carbamezepine is the offending agent, one should avoid phenytoin and phenobaritone also. Valparoate acid may be useful.

17 years ago

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